Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New/old Osaka home

After much travelling around, we are finally settled in a new home for the next seven months! It is going to be the longest Elliott has ever lived anywhere, so I am really excited to start new routines with him.

We have had an eventful couple of months. We stayed with Elliott's grandparents in Calgary for two weeks and went to a wedding:

Elliott was too noisy to attend the ceremony, but he had a great time at the reception and even went out on the dance floor with Mummy and Daddy!

After Calgary we headed off to Hawaii, where Elliott learned to crawl during our two weeks there:

After Hawaii we came to Japan, but had to stay in a temporary apartment while we waited for our proper one to be ready. Elliott got to visit my old university campus daily. It was such a strange feeling to have him visit the International Students' Centre with me!

Then on Monday we arrived at our lovely new room:

Our new room feels like the complete opposite of our room in the Reversible Destiny Lofts. It's much smaller, which I think will make it very easy to keep warm in winter. It's also very linear!!! Now that I stay home with Elliott every day, I think the biggest difference that I will appreciate is that there are no uneven surfaces for him to fall down on, and I will be able to wipe the hardwood floors sparkling clean after every messy meal he has. I do miss our loft though. I often wonder what it would be like if Elliott had learned to crawl in our Reversible Destiny Loft!

And after a fun day out at the Expo Park yesterday I ventured out today to find the supermarket:

1. The hill right outside our apartment
2. Heading through the neighbourhood halfway down the hill (I was trying a shortcut)
3. More walking downhill... This was when I could see the supermarket in the distance!
4. Even more walking downhill... We were almost there!

Needless to say, it was a lot of walking UPhill on the way home :-D The last time I lived in this area I was the healthiest I've ever been from all the biking and walking I did up and down these hills. I'm sort of hoping all the walking to the supermarket I'll do in the next 7 months will make me look like I did a decade ago :-P