Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baby led weaning

The day before Elliott's six month birthday I went out and bought a highchair from Ikea and was super excited to start solid food with him. I had read a book called Baby-led Weaning by Gill Rapley and had bought banana and avocado for Elliott to try for breakfast.

Elliott's first BLW experience was underwhelming... He didn't try to grab the food, and he certainly didn't demolish it like the babies I'd seen on YouTube did. After nine days of him crying after we put him in the highchair I was starting to think we may as well give up BLW and do conventional purees. I even bought a jar of organic pureed peas at the supermarket last night.

This evening I had a breakthrough though. Rather than feed Elliott the peas on a spoon I thought he might like to paint his highchair with them. He did! He loved it! There were peas EVERYWHERE and he had so much fun that when I put half a banana into the mix he picked that up and tried to nom it. Yay!

So I am back on the baby-led weaning bandwagon. Now to find more foods Elliott can paint with! (^o^)


  1. You are such a natural mother! Well done. Boiled pumpkin's a good one. :)

  2. Sweet potato and squash are still some favourite- MESSY as anything, but they have a fun texture to mash up and play with!
