Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Everyday activities (2)

I often forget to give Elliott tummy time, and the back of his head is rapidly becoming flatter and flatter... They say this evens out when babies become more active at 6 months or so, and I'm hoping that's true for Elliott! I made a nice cushioned area for Elliott to play on, but when Grant was in charge of play time the other day he decided to give Elliott a new experience by putting him down directly on the bumpy floor. Looks cold to me!!

The other day I needed to charge my cell phone, so Grant kindly went and got the cable and plugged it in for me. When I asked where he'd plugged it in, he took me to the square room to show me my cell phone hanging on the wall! Most of the plugs and light switches in the loft are in odd places. I like that the switch in the square room is at shin level, because I can turn the light on with my foot when I have Elliott in my arms. I wonder if Arakawa + Gins had parents in mind when they were deciding the light switch height?!


  1. LOL Love the hanging cell phone!

  2. Benji hated tummy time, with a passion, so we didn't do it much, either. We just altered the direction in which his head was pointing with every sleep. That said, he never moved in sleep, so it was very easy to do so. He's 3 and a half and has still never moved in his bed or even got out of it!

  3. PS - that top photo is so cute....dear little guy.
