Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We started our day at 5am on Monday. All went very smoothly, and Elliott slept the whole way in the taxi to the airport. He woke up for a quick feed at Starbucks (I'm pretty sure he knows what Starbucks smells like!) and then we went through customs to the waiting area. Customs was a little irritating, as everyone knows. I was asked to take Elliott out of the carseat even though he was napping. Evil glares at the customs officer made no difference to the situation!

Once we got to our gate, we discovered that our flight had been delayed an hour. Never mind, I thought, this is Air Canada. There were sure to be delays. Soon after that, we were told the flight would be delayed another three hours. Screw you Air Canada, I thought. Don't you know I'm travelling with a baby?!

The wait passed somewhat uneventfully, aside from the fact that both mummy and baby needed multiple changes of clothing. Then it was time to board! Grant stood in awe as I politely pushed past all the people who thought that "Those boarding with small children" meant they didn't need a child in arms to start lining up! When we got on the plane there was more polite persuading as I managed to ask several people to move seats so that I could have access to a bassinet for Elliott. Considering we had discount tickets I was way overstepping my mark, but I dreaded the thought of not having a place to put the baby down for 13 hours so I wanted my bassinet, dammit!

The bassinet was interesting. Here's a photo of the width of it:

And of Elliott sleeping in it:

Elliott slept for most of the flight. He seemed to have a sixth sense about when the meal cart was coming, and conveniently fell asleep in the bassinet just before our food arrived every time. He's such a kind baby! I had time to finish a two hour movie during the 13 hour flight, and it was such a refreshing feeling to have seen one of the latest Hollywood movies! Elliott watched a bit of TV at one point too. It wasn't his favourite TV show Jeopardy, but apparently it was still fun!

Then we were in Tokyo! I needed to change and feed Elliott before we left the airport to drive to the Reversible Destiny Lofts, so I went in search of a place to do that. I found a family-sized bathroom in the ladies toilets, and wonder of wonders there was an adult-sized bed as the change table! According to the wonderful friend who came to pick us up from the airport that is not the norm, but I was so glad of a comfortable spot to nurse Elliott after such a long flight. Even if it was in a toilet!

Elliott slept the whole car ride to the Reversible Destiny Lofts, and also gave us a chance to rest most of the night before popping awake right at his usual Jeopardy time!


  1. I didn't know about the bassinettes on planes. Very nice, if small. At least he had a comfy place to sleep.

  2. Well done Emma. This brings back so many memories for me - we went to Switzerland with Sam when he was 6 weeks ole (from New Zealand). While I was ultra organised for him, I was another matter - swelling feet, hormones, etc! The bassinettes haven't changed - but still, whatever works! He is so lovely. You three are doing really well.

  3. I'm so glad the flight went well! Good for you for getting the bassinette seat...never heard of those before!

  4. Love his big happy grin!! So cute. Well done surviving the flight. We've never flown with Benji so I have no idea what it is like to fly with a bub. :) Well done!

  5. So glad you were able to get a bassinette, definitely made for a more enjoyable flight I am sure. Looking forward to hearing more.

  6. Jenny, I'm amazed you flew at just six weeks. I can imagine your hormones would still be all over the place!

    The hardest part about the flight was nursing. Elliott is a big baby, so his little feet would spill into the next seat and then if he wriggled the lady next to me got kicked. I wasn't very popular... I tried nursing on the floor of the plane, but apparently that's not allowed :-P

  7. Wow, I had no idea about the bassinets! That is really neat. And Elliott is a Jeopardy baby!! So cute!
